Commentary: Anglophone as Head of State will appease the gods.

Unity Palace: An Anglophone should also be occupant!

The national political scene is gaining steam as expected. As we await the climax - the swearing-in of an elected president in November 2025, patriotic Cameroonians need to keep talking. 

This is particularly with believers who are divinely guided and are privileged to be hearing divine warnings from the gods.

Considering the deceptions that led to the Reunification of the two Cameroons; coupled with the anger and disappointments that accompanied Anglophone founding fathers to their graves, the gods can only be appeased, and the country put back on its rails, should an Anglophone becomes Cameroon's Head of State, come November 2025.

So far, there are few Cameroonians who have come out to openly declare their ambition to enter the Unity Palace, in replacement of incumbent, President Paul Biya; age 92, and in power for more than 42 years.

Presently, Eric Chinje is being torn into shreds because he dared to speak out. Whereas, he simply added his voice to that of the many silent Cameroonians, who, in all good faith, are suggesting that President Biya should not seek another mandate. Eric himself has not openly declared his intention to run for office of President.

The smear campaign on his person is unnecessary at this election year when we expect all concerned citizens to exercise their rights to freedom of speech and speak out their minds. 

Also, and because of the mature way the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Dr Chief Joseph Dion Ngute, has handled his office all this while, and since he is a member of the ruling party, some Anglophones are also advocating that the PM should be designated a natural CPDM Presidential candidate this 2025, given that President Biya at his age, deserves rest.

So far, the ruling party has been silent on this. But while the silence continues to mesmerise the electorate, many Cameroonians are believing that President Biya will seek another mandate; and will, sooner or later, declare his candidature.

Actually, some emerging arguments are tenable. Some CPDM bigwigs say it is already too late for the electorate to expect another candidate than the incumbent, for an election that is just a few months away. 

It requires time for the CPDM to select another person, groom him or her on the internal mechanics of elections and sell the candidate to the electorate.


Don´t blame the gods if…

This brings us to Batonnier Akere Muna, the only Anglophone who, so far, has declared his ambition to run for presidency.

Anglophone founding fathers who felt disillusioned with the outcome of their reunification expectations are certainly smiling in their graves because of Barrister Akere's declaration.

And as I write, I know Hon William Ndep Obi Effiom, Agbor Tabi and others, are also smiling in their graves that there is a voice of reason from Manyu, trying to awaken Cameroonians so that we can collectively put things right and make Cameroon the great nation it was originally designed to be.

The Fonchas, Munas, Effioms and many other founding fathers stood, sacrificed and fought for a better Cameroonian. They cherished peace and harmonious living together. That is why they used the lean resources at their disposal then to build an enviable nation.

Unfortunately, the country has today been fragmented by pervasive corruption, tribalism and other ills that have left Cameroon tottering on the brink of collapse.

The Guardian Post daily newspaper in its Thursday, January 23 edition, reported that even Francophones are clamouring for an Anglophone to be president, to right the wrongs of history. And their choice or most favoured candidate is none other than Batonnier Akere Muna. 

To this national consensus is added massive support from the diplomatic and international community. 

Who is that Cameroonian who is not touched by the enormous sanitising work of Batonnier Akere? We all envy his towering profile, and the gods stand to forgive Cameroon and Cameroonians, if we all give Batonnier Akere the chance to salvage this blessed nation.

Make no mistake, with the support for Batonnier Akere Muna gathering momentum, he remains the only Anglophone whose coming to power will appease the gods; who from every indication are angry with Cameroon. The evidence of the decay is visible for everyone to see. 


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3348 of Friday January 24, 2025


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