MTN Elite One & Two: Clubs to begin receiving gov't subvention tomorrow.

Cross section of club presidents during meeting with Sports minister last December

Clubs competing in the MTN Elite and MTN Elite Two football championship for the 2024/2025 season, will begin receiving their share of government subvention tomorrow February 4, close to a month after the money was announced. 

The information is contained in a message sent to president of clubs of the top and second tier leagues on Saturday February 1. 

It was signed by the President of the Association of Elite Clubs of Cameroon, best known in French as ACEC, Pascal Abunde. 

According to the statement, Abunde announced to members that the payment of government subsidy would begin on 4 February, 2025. 

He said the date was arrived at after a meeting with the President of the Cameroon Football Federation, FECAFOOT, Samuel Eto'o. 

“Dear presidents, following our working session this morning with the president of FECAFOOT, I am pleased to inform you that the payment of state subsidies will begin on Tuesday 4 February 2025 by the accounting officer at FECAFOOT,” a part of the message read. 

The announcement came at a time when the club officials had planned a meeting in Yaounde. 

The aim of the meeting, we gathered from sources, was to launch a boycott of the rest of the league. 

This was supposed to be in protest to demand payment of the state subvention made available since January 16, 2025, which they had not yet benefitted from. 

According to sources, news about the start of payment of the subvention has appeased the already aggrieved club presidents, who were bent on taking the bull by the horns. 

ACEC, in the statement said that: “Consequently, the meeting initially scheduled for next week has been postponed to allow clubs to receive their payments as a matter of priority. A new date will be communicated to you shortly. Thank you for your patience and cooperation,”. 

It is unclear how much each club will receive. It is important to recall that the Minister of Sport and Physical Education, Prof Narcisse Mouelle Kombi, had confirmed that the Presidency of the Republic, had made available a subsidy of 560 million FCFA to clubs in the MTN Elite One and MTN Elite Two championships for the 2024/2025 season. 

According to the statement from the sports boss, the 560 million CFA francs subsidy is intended primarily to cover the salaries of players and technical staff of the teams concerned. 

Minister Mouelle Kombi also announced that this subsidy would henceforth be paid directly to the teams affiliated to these championships. 

A total of 33 clubs concerned, notably the 16 selected in Elite One and the 17 in Elite Two shall benefit from the subsidy.



This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3358 of Monday February 03, 2025



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