Fon Chafah confers rare traditional title on Prof Mbarika.

Senator Fon Chafah speaking during ceremony

The Founder and President of the Board of Trustees of the ICT University, Prof Victor Mbarika, has been honoured with the prestigious traditional title of Ndikutgong, loosely translated as Community Builder. 

The distinguished Professor was conferred the traditional title for his contributions to the growth and development of the education sector and humanity in Cameroon and beyond.

It was the traditional ruler of Bangolan, Senator Fon Chafah XI, who conferred the distinction on Prof Mbarika. 

This was during a grandiose ceremony organised by Prof Victor Mbarika to celebrate his 20th wedding anniversary with the love of his life, Irene.

The event held in Greenville, North Carolina, attracted distinguished personalities, including university dons from across the world, particularly Europe and Canada.

In attendance among others were Dr Ayuk Takem Lambert, Dr Joe Ngalle, Dr Dina Epale, Bishop Joshua Ghogomu, Pastor Song Yusimbom, and Pane Limen.

While unveiling the traditional title, Senator Fon Chafah lauded the erudite Professor’s dedication to impacting the lives of Cameroonians within the country and abroad.

The lawmaker and superscale magistrate, explained to attendees at the gathering that: “The title is in recognition of what Professor Mbarika has done, both at home and in the US”.

The respected monarch narrated that: “When I got here (USA), the testimonies I got from people who came from all over the world during his wedding anniversary, pictured a man who has impacted so many lives. Even renowned Professors confessed to me that: ‘…when I arrived America, Prof Mbarika was the one who received me and guided me through’. Some gave testimonies of how their first stop in America was at his residence”.

“So, this traditional title isn’t limited to what he has done to Bangolan, my Fondom. It is about his contribution to the growth of the country and the world at large,” Senator Fon Chafah, who is also Secretary General of the Council of Traditional Rulers of Cameroon, explained further.

Quizzed on what is expected of Prof Mbarika after the distinction, Fon Chafah was unequivocal. 

He said: “You know heavy lies the head that wears the crown. When you add more accolades to somebody, more is expected. We expect him to do more. He has already done quite a lot. We expect him to do more for the nation. He is a member of the diaspora who is an exception. He constantly comes back home to contribute to the growth of the nation”.

In his acceptance speech during the ceremony, Prof Mbarika expressed deep gratitude to Fon Chafah for the honour bestowed upon him.

He pledged to continue his relentless efforts to enhancing the education and wellbeing of Cameroonians, before affirming his commitment to living up to the trust placed on him by Fon Chafah and the people of Bangolan.

The conferment of the Ndikutgong title on Prof Mbarika, it should be said, brings to seven, the number of such traditional titles received at home and abroad.

Prof Mbarika had previously received four traditional titles from the Yoruba, Ibo and Port Harcourt communities in Nigeria. He was recognised for his contribution towards the growth of education in Nigeria and Sub-Saharan Africa in general.

In October last year, Prof Mbarika was honoured with the traditional title of Eteng Abeghi, loosely understood to be Pillar of Society.

He was conferred the title in Yaounde, by the Meta Fons’ Union, MEFU, and the Meta Cultural and Development Association, MECUDA.

This was during a special get-together of Meta people in and around Yaounde. It was carefully planned to honour their distinguished son and brother, Prof Victor Mbarika, and to fulfil his strong wish to commune with his people as well as to have a good feel of their culture and tradition.

The recognition was presented to Prof Victor Mbarika by the President of Meta Fons’ Union, Fon Fombo of Njindom. Prof Mbarika has also received traditional distinctions from the Fons of Bali and Zang Tabi. it is worth noting that besides being the President of the Board of Trustees of The ICT University, Prof Victor Wacham A. Mbarika is also a Byrd Distinguished Professor. 


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3323 of Tuesday December 17, 2024


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