ENEO schools consumers association heads on prepaid metering.

ENEO communication expert drilling participants

Cameroon electricity distribution company, ENEO, has schooled heads of its consumer associations in Yaounde on the registration, payment procedures and advantages of using its fast-growing product, the Prepaid Users Metres.

The group effected the exercise during a one-day indoor sensitisation workshop with consumer representatives on Friday October 28.

The sensitisation was done prior to the launch of its campaign to promote the usage of the consumer autonomy-oriented prepaid electricity metre.

ENEO communication experts briefed the over 15 consumer representatives on the procedures involved in the online registration process geared towards acquiring the Prepaid Users Metres.

The energy management facility emphasised on the importance of strictly respecting the step-by-step online registration procedure outlined on their official website.

They stressed on the various requirements involved in the registration process, including the presentation of valid national identity cards and identification numbers.

The ENEO communication experts stated that the inclusion of location plans and personal photographs in the online application form, also constitutes an important part of the final application form subsequently converted to PDF formats.

“We will like our customers to understand that it is very important for them to strictly follow the online registration process because that is the only way through which the exercise can be successfully done without any hitches” ENEO communication expert, Fabrice Elouga stated on Friday.

“The abovementioned documents must be included in the application form and converted into PDF document forms before completing the registration exercise as explained on the registration form found online on our official website on www.eneocameroon.cm” Elouga declared


Demystifying payment procedure

Friday’s session also saw the ENEO communication experts briefing the consumers association leaders on the procedures users of the ENEO Prepaid Users Metres can easily pay bills and carry out other transactions without hitches.

According to the officials, users can easily pay electricity bills through ENEO branch offices and sub-offices spread across the city; an exercise they said, is followed by the establishment of valid payment tickets geared towards promoting and ensuring transparency.

They added that payment can also be done via mobile money services put in place through partnerships with mobile telecommunication service providers.

“Our bills for Prepaid User Metres can be paid either at our offices or through our mobile payment systems established in partnership with telecommunication units. After these, users receive tickets which are either established physically on sent via their mobile accounts” Ambatta Ketty, an ENEO Communication Expert, said.

“After the payment, customers receive codes which they subsequently use on their Prepaid User Metres to activate electricity for the rest of the days or months they paid for depending on the amount of energy they bought which could start from a minimum of 1500FCFA” Ambatta continued.


Prioritising customer satisfaction

The Prepaid User Metres is one of ENEO’s latest and fastest-growing products. The product enables users to pay electricity bills in advance before consumption.

According to ENEO, over 530,000 users have subscribed to the service since it was introduced in 2019.

The service has however been faced some slight backlash, with consumers complaining of disruptions in the registration and payment procedures.

 “ENEO is carrying out this exercise to sensitise our consumer representatives and their fellow users on how to avoid such hitches resulting from the use of the service. We want users to always use the right channels when either newly registering or paying bills”.

“ENEO wants consumers to enjoy our premium autonomy-oriented services which enable them personally control what they do with their finances and their energy. We want to fight the syndrome of seeing customers complaining about getting dubbed by gangsters and other dubious activities.

The consumer representatives at the end of the seminar expressed optimism and the zeal towards seeing a better quality service delivery.

about author About author : Dewah Fabrice Teh

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