New Year wishes ceremony: Minister mocks Biya's critics after president's interactions with invitees.

Minister Jean de Dieu Momo

The Minister Delegate to the Minister of State, Minister Justice and Keeper of the Seals, Jean de Dieu Momo, who doubles as the President of the Democratic Patriots for the Development of Cameroon, PADDEC party, has mocked critics of the Head of State, Paul Biya, who argued that the leader is no longer in control of State affairs.

This was after Biya interacted with guests during the traditional New Year wishes ceremony at the Unity Palace on January 10.

In a public statement, Minister Momo praised Biya’s composure and wit during the ceremony, particularly in addressing the concerns of the President of the Cameroon Democratic Union, CDU party, Tomaino Ndam Njoya, who doubles as Mayor of Foumban.

“I liked the intermediation of Tomaïno Ndam Njoya, leader of the UDC. She directly put the opposition's concerns about the forthcoming elections and the demand for a consensual Electoral Code to the President of the Republic,” Minister Momo wrote.

According to the member of government, Biya responded with his normal calmness, reaffirming his commitment to upholding the country’s constitution. The president, he said, also encouraged opposition leaders to prepare for the upcoming elections and to prioritise peace during the process.

“President Paul Biya, with his customary composure and the level-headedness of which he is the undisputed grandmaster, replied that he was acting in accordance with our country's constitution, and that he was not doing anything that was not provided for by the fundamental law,” he stated. 

He equally expressed gladness by the words from the Head of State addressing the leaders of the opposition parties present at the ceremony, discussions which Minister Momo said he followed with delight. 

Minister Momo further ridiculed critics who question Biya’s decision-making power. 

“Many guests who asked the president questions actually wanted to check the relevance and coherence of his answers…claiming that others, including his wife and the Secretary General at the Presidency decide for him,” he stated mockingly adding that: “They were left confused”.

For Minister Jean de Dieu Momo and other loyalists, Biya’s performance at the event reaffirmed his authority and command over the nation’s affairs especially since catholic Bishops have been urging him not to seek re-election.


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3344 of Monday January 20, 2025

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