NCC presents media mapping document to stakeholders.

NCC President, Joseph Chebongkeng, (middle) speaking at the launch

The President of the National Communication Council, NCC, Joseph Chebongkeng Kalabubse, has presented a document mapping the media landscape of the country to some stakeholders and the public. 

This was during a ceremony organised in Yaounde Thursday. 

The event saw the official launching of the publication dubbed: “Cameroon Media Map”.

Speaking at the launch, Chebongkeng revealed that the purpose of the document is to provide the public and media stakeholders with a comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of the country’s media landscape. 

He said the initiative, which is a result of two years of meticulous work, falls in line with the NCC's core mission of guaranteeing a safe, balanced and inclusive media space in an era of digital transformation and the rapid evolution of communication channels.

“This media directory is more than a simple inventory. It is a strategic instrument that will empower all stakeholders, media professionals, policymakers, researchers, and civil society to understand media diversity and distribution in Cameroon and to identify the specific challenges facing the sector,” Chebongkeng stated.

He added that: “It is also a call to collective responsibility, recognising that the role of the media extends beyond mere information dissemination. It shapes public opinion, contributes to civic education, and plays an active role in safeguarding peace and democracy”.


Document to facilitate media regulation

According to the NCC president, the Cameroon Media Map will also serve as a decision-making tool in laying the foundations for modern regulations, adapted to the evolving dynamics of the country’s media ecosystem.

“With the available statistics, the NCC can now say with precision which media organs are operating in the country and their location, as well as the content of their publications. We trust that this unprecedented media map will help inform our policies and facilitate the transition to a more robust, diverse, and resilient media landscape. It is now left for policy makers, and those who attribute licenses to see what to do with statistics that we have put to the public,” the NCC President told the press.



Zoom on media map

The Cameroon Media Map presents a comprehensive overview of the country’s media landscape by providing a detailed inventory of media organs in print, radio, television, and online media. It highlights their geographical distribution and structural features.

According to NCC findings, as at November 30, 2024, Cameroon had over 760 legally approved newspapers, including 232 published on a regular basis.

In addition to these are 93 television stations, 129 commercial radio stations, 169 community radio stations, 72 online media outlets, and 65 cable distribution companies. 

Chebongkeng encouraged stakeholders to engage with the findings of the document so that together, collective work can be done towards a Cameroon where the media fully fulfils its role in building a harmonious and informed society.

He also acknowledged and expressed gratitude to NCC’s valued state partners: the Presidency of the Republic, the Prime Minister's Office and, in particular, the Ministry of Communication and its staff for supporting the project.


This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3341 of Friday January 17, 2025


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