At installation ceremony: Minister instructs new Laquintini Hospital Director to continuously ameliorate services.

Gov’t officials, Laquintini Director immortal ceremony

The Minister of Public Health, Dr Manaouda Malachie, has instructed the new Director of the Laquintini Hospital, Dr Marie Solange Ndom epse Ebongue Manga, to continuously ameliorate services at the health facility.

He gave the instructions while installing the new Director into office Monday, January 13. 

"The hospital is now ready to live a new chapter in its history led by a woman. I am sure the new team will bring new visions in health responses," Minister Manaouda said. 

The minister also tasked the new hospital Director to strive towards modernisation of infrastructure, reinforce humanising healthcare while putting first human dignity in all professionalism.

“You should help needy families, optimise human resources by creating a serene workspace for all…work in confidence with colleagues, ensure payment of salaries and mission orders regularly and reinforce partnership with private sector,” he told the new Director. 

“I know the hospital has partners, but we need to make use of the resources the private sector offers," the minister added.

Stating that the Laquintini hospital is a national health symbol, he said excellence, rigour and compassion in taking care of patients should be uphold.

"This is the ambition of the Head of State. You have all our support…do all to succeed in your mission, depend on collaborative efforts because health requires this. To the personnel, I invite you all to welcome her in the spirit of solidarity,” he went on.


Health minister extends gratitude to Head of State 

In the presence of all the administrative, traditional, religious and political authorities, Minister Manaouda extended gratitude to the Head of State, Paul Biya, whom he said had never stopped to provide Cameroon's health system with infrastructure and quality manpower with the ultimate goal of offering an ever-improved base of care and services.

The commitment, he said, was re-echoed during the presidential end-of-year speech with promises in favour of the contractualisation of 9,944 health personnel in the public service. 

It should be noted that the hospital is built on nine hectares of land. It has a capacity of 800 in-patient beds for a largely satisfactory occupancy rate. In 2024, it recorded 185,000 consultations.

It also has a strong team of medics of 1,500 staff, with 130 specialised doctors and 40 general practitioners. Laquintini hospital is credited to have played a great role in the fight against COVID-19 and its contribution to kidney patients with hemodialysis operationalisation centre built in 2023.


Dr Solange Ndom epse Ebongue Manga in a nutshell 

Born on October 30, 1980, in Yaounde, Dr Solange Ndom epse Ebongue Manga holds a Doctorate in Medicine from the Faculty of Medicine and Biomedical Sciences of the University of Yaoundé I obtained in 2007. 

In 2011, she completed a University Institute Diploma (DIU) in Biostatistics and in clinical research methodology since 2011, before obtaining another Diploma of Specialised Studies in Cardiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Pharmacy of the University Rabat, Morocco, in 2013. 

In 2014, she joined the Laquintini hospital as lead cardiologist, then medical counsellor. She played a great role in the fight against COVID-19. Her love for her job has been illustrated in personalised approaches in medical care.

She is also a lecturer at the Faculty of Science of the University of Douala. She is a strong supporter of female leadership, leading the Cameroon Association of Women in Medicine and other associations.

Her installation received the blessing of the Ngondo traditional council and the Sawa ancestors through the Chiefs. 

Appointed on December 31, 2024, by a decree signed Prime Minister and Head of Government, Dr Marie Solange Ndom Idjem, Epse Ebongue Manga replaces Professor Noël Emmanuel Essomba, now in service at the Yaounde General Hospital.


This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3339 of Wednesday January 15, 2025


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