To better manage State personnel & pay: Gov’t launches AIGLES application.

Stakeholders at the 101 session

The government through the Ministry of Public Service and Administrative Reform, MINFOPRA, has launched the Application Informatique de Gestion Logique des Effectifs et de la Solde, AIGLES, which roughly translates as application for the logical management of staff and pay. 

The application that went operational on January 1, 2025, aims to better manage State personnel in the public service and their pay. The information was made public by the Minister for the Civil Service and Administrative Reform, Joseph Le. 

This was during the 101 session of the Inter-ministerial Committee Task Force in charge of the project that was held recently in Yaounde.

Speaking at the event, Minister Joseph Le noted that the production and launch of most of the modules of this application is a major step in the process of modernising the public administration, as promoted by the President of the Republic.

“AIGLES is not just a technological tool. This application is a strategic lever for the transformation of Cameroon's public administration. The objectives are to simplify, dematerialise and accelerate the State's administrative and financial procedures,” the minister stated.

He added that it was thanks to synergy between internal and external players that led to the robust high-performance application tailored to the needs of the public administration.

“This integrated system will also enable better inter-administrative coordination and more precise and responsive operational monitoring, under the authority of the Prime Minister, Head of Government,” Joseph Le said.

According to the Minister, the launch of AIGLES marks a major turning point in the reorganisation and rationalisation of the State's human resources management, as well as centralising and securing data relating to staff numbers and pay. 

He reiterated that AIGLES will enable more agile and transparent management of human resources, in order to provide high-quality, accessible public services that meet the needs of citizens.

“This successful launch is only the first step. The complete finalisation of the project, including the essential complementary modules such as biometric attendance management, electronic document management and the full digitisation of the State's human resources management procedures, remains an absolute priority for the government,” he underscored.

He added that all actions will be carried out with particular attention to feedback and responsiveness to the challenges encountered. 

“The rapid and efficient finalisation of these complementary modules will demonstrate our commitment to offering a fully operational and effective tool as quickly as possible,” the minister concluded.

It emerged from the meeting that as soon as the AIGLES application became operational on January 1, it began to produce highly beneficial effects for public employees. 

It was revealed that 176,894 civil servants whose files were pending in various administrations have benefited from the automatic regularisation of grade and step increments. 

In addition, 21,810 staff not subject to a disciplinary procedure have benefited from the same measure for January 2025. The new integrated solution for the State's human resources AIGLES has replaced the old SIGIPES and ANTILOPE systems.


This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3337 of Monday January 13, 2025


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