Bamenda: Student mothers share experiences coping with parenthood & academics.

Student mothers on campus

Students of the University of Bamenda, Mezam Division of the North West Region, who are also parents, have testified that they face unique challenges that can hinder the completion of their studies. 

Despite the obstacles, many students are managing to balance their responsibilities as parents and achieve their academic goals.

Several conversations with students depict the difficulties that come with having a baby and continuing with studenies as this is quite challenging.

Mbone, a level 400 student and a mother of a seven-month-old baby, in an interview with The Guardian Post, disclosed that, ‘‘the journey of education and being a mother has not been easy because I really face a lot of challenges copping with school and catering for the baby”. 

“I face challenges, especially in doing my assignments because the baby is always crying and I will need to attend to her before anything. I barely have time to do my own personal things,’’ she said. 

Just like Mbone, Hilda, another student mother, also shares her difficulties. 

“I never thought I could get pregnant in the university, but when I did, I knew I had to keep going. I couldn't drop out and give up on my dreams just because I had a baby. It wasn't easy, especially with the buying of books, printing handouts, transportation to school while also buying the baby’s needs like diapers, milk, and clothing given that prices have gone up,’’ she explained. 

These difficulties are not only faced by the mothers but it also weighs on the student fathers. 

Talking to The Guardian Post, Williams, a father of an eight-month-old baby and a final year student, who equally has a side hustle, expresses his difficulty as a student father. He says school and work was difficult and he could cope while alone, but having a baby is challenging task. 

He laments that he has to absent from work for two days because his ‘baby mama’ has classes on those days. These two days of absence from work, he says, affects his finances as he has to provide for the baby’s up keep. 

"It's hard to focus on studying when you have a screaming baby in the background," he said. 

“So, I make sure to schedule my study time around my son's nap time and try to get as much done as possible when he's sleeping," Williams explained.



Determination to succeed 

Despite the challenges, many students with babies are finding ways to succeed. Some have found daycare centres around campus to help them navigate through the challenges of parenting while in school. Others have found creative ways to incorporate their children into their studies, such as bringing them to class with chewables or using them as motivation to work harder.

“In my free time I ensure to wash all her dirty dresses and also do my assignments. While in class, I ensure I buy sweets and chewables to distract the baby so that I can study. I am grateful for the kind-hearted lecturers we have because they assist me in class and also by pardoning me for being late or for not meeting up with deadlines. Also, some assist in carrying the baby during lectures,’’ Mbone explained.

Another student mother, Theresia, explains that: “What I do is, I try to make the baby sleep earlier so I can have enough time to study and do my assignments”. 

“Also, I have friends who assist me in printing my notes and assignments, while in class they assist me in carrying the baby. One important strategy I use is discipline. I always try to scold them and not give them what they want when they are crying,” she adds.  

Daycare centres around the university campus like the Happy Mother Baby Care helps other mothers to attend their classes because they leave the children in the custody of the caregivers as they go on with their academics. 

“The Daycare has been really supportive," said Audrey, another student mother. 

“Also, the professors are understanding when I need to take a break to care for my baby. It's nice to know that I'm not alone in this and that there are people who care about my success,” she noted.

Balancing parenthood and academics are never easy, but it's clear that many student mothers and fathers in the university are determined to forge ahead. Through determination, creativity, and support from the university, these students are making it work and achieving their academic goals. Their stories, pundits say, serve as an inspiration to others who may be facing similar challenges and considering dropping out.



This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3336 of Sunday January 12, 2025


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