National Paralympic Committee: Jean Jacques Ndodoumou re-elected President.

Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou

Incumbent President of the National Paralympic Committee of Cameroon CNPC, Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou has been re-elected for another four- year mandate. 

He was elected by unanimous decision during the quadrennial General Assembly of the Committee which he presided over. 

During the meeting organised in Yaounde on January 7, 2025, members of the committee examined penitent issues like the adoption of the programme, examination of documents and resolutions of recommendations commission.

The second part centered on the election of the members of the Board of Directors and the Executive Bureau of the National Paralympic Committee for the 2025-2028 Olympiad. 

A total of 66 voters took part in the exercise at the end of which Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou won 44 out of 66 votes with 22 empty ballots and two absences making a total of 66.66 per cent. 

The list of the other candidate headed by Jean Marie Aleokol Mabieme was rejected by the jury for non-conformity with the texts.

After his re-election, Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou expressed satisfaction with his victory stating that the fact that there was stiff competition is proof that the Cameroon Paralympic movement is growing.

While pointing out some major challenges for the new Olympiad, Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou said the National Paralympic Committee has double objectives for the new Olympiad; to ensure a massive presence of Cameroonian para-athletes at the 2028 Olympic Games in Los Angeles and also an honourable performance of Cameroonian athletes at the Games.

The President stressed that to attain the objectives, preparations must begin and several actions have already been implemented to see to that.

“Our final objective is to mount the podium at the Olympic Games. We have missed the podium on two occasions, but this time we think that we will have at least one athlete who will mount the podium in Los Angeles in 2028,” Jean Jacques Ndoudoumou enthused.

According to him some immediate activities will include a seminar in March which will bring together stakeholders to harmonise the programmes of scheduled activities and the preparation calendar. 

He added that Cameroonian athletes will take part in all competitions to obtain qualification for the Olympic Games.


This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3335 of Saturday January 11, 2025


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