Personality of The Week: Francis Fai Yengo; NDDR National Coordinator.

Fai Yengo Francis

The cord between The Guardian Post and its readers across the world is one that runs on a lifeline of trust. Our readers have trusted us based on the accuracy, fairness and balance in which we process and publish information. 

In return, we have kept their assessment of goings-on undiluted and sacrosanct. What our teeming readers say has always been paramount and will continue to be paramount because we are a market place of ideas.

One of the areas where the editorial team of The Guardian Post, the most regularly published and outstanding media house in the Economic Community of Central African States, ECCAS, take from the readers is in choosing the most productive characters of every week.

We have been on this path with our readers for years now.  This year, the cataloguing has been interesting and exciting. In the sacredness of their observation, they have this week, mostly settled on work at the National Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintergration Committee, NDDRC.

This week, the centre not only released some 708 ex-Boko Haram associates into society but it also offered them equipment to live decent lives and earn a living. 

Additionally, an ultramodern centre was unveiled in Meme, Mora Subdivision, Mayo Sava Division of the Far North Region. It is the biggest of a reintegration move since the NDDRC went operational in 2018.

Despite being some sort of a sixth anniversary show of its achievements, our readers have been keen about the release of the 708 erstwhile Boko Haram adherents into society.

Agreeing that uneasy lies the head that wears the crown, in this moment of glory for the NDDRC, our readers have singled out its National Coordinator, Fai Yengo Francis, as Personality of The Week.

Fai Yengo thus returns to this esteemed platform of honour after debuting two years ago. Unlike in 2022, what he gets is place this time with triumphant details that have left many celebrating.

Many say even as many will be celebrating Christmas, Fai Yengo, deserves to stay relevant for not just being the character that has closed the Personality of The Week file for 2024 but for doing so and promoting national peace that calls for celebration.

Our readers say he deserves honour for choosing multilateral disarmament and reintegration wherein even communities are given fresh views of those who once went astray but have opted to live life again. It is a genius-like approach which has put Fai Yengo in the ethers of unending respect.

While some are conflict laden, not seeing possibilities of a turnaround, Fai Yengo stands out as a star that he has been all through life, seeking and building nationwide durable peace.

He has been implementing the Head of State’s disarmament vision with mutual honour and confidence for society and repentant fighters.

Fai Yengo is a man of trust who has infused same in the delicate process of convincing extremist to surrender and accept to be deradicalised and get trained in the process. 

He has become the light shining on the path of once lost compatriots, rescuing vital human resource for national development in the process.

Today, many are celebrating this veteran superscale administrator of exceptional class as a strategist barring arms from circulating in society and building peace.

He has dismantled the utopian logic that the NDDRC agenda of President Biya could not yield any result except certain conditions were met. The 708 compatriots fully rehabilitated and released into society this week, admirers are positing, make Fai Yengo Francis not just a go-getter but a man with exceptional abilities.

Just when many had written the program off, he gets to the pinnacle of extensive honour this season for blending moral and entrepreneurial rearmament in the process to score exceptional results.

Your Personality of The Week is sparkling this season for emerging as a chief cornerstone in the process of reconfiguring peace, development and national unity in Cameroon.

He is living in the airs of merited applause and unending admiration for making Cameroon’s disarmament program a point of global attraction given its rare trappings.

Perhaps, even Thomases are now saying, they are dazed given the constancy of the momentum with which Fai Yengo has been going about the presidential assignment entrusted to him.

But like good wine that tastes better with time, he is yet again pictured as a server translating the distinct successes of his brilliant administrative career to match up with herculean task of disarmament.

For those who have categorized the holistic exploits of his works as miracles of sorts within the realm of man, Fai Yengo Francis is not just a formidable force in nation building but a state asset that appreciates with time.

Echoes from across the globe today tie to your Personality of The Week being the heartbeat of the return to peace in the Far North, North West and South West Regions. On the podium of honour this season, he is staring in the ambience of cast iron facts and not tittle-tattle narratives.

Fai Yengo is additionally the talk of the moment especially within the circles of international organisations involved in peace drives for his net-breaking achievements at the helm of the NDDRC in six years and still counting.

He is a civilised statesman with a track record of excellence, rooted in a culture of building bridges, peace and elevating communities. 

These attributes of Fai Yengo are now fittingly gaining expression in handling an issue related to terrorism, conflict and displacements which many had long shied away from. 

He has a fundamental concern for young Cameroonians who had been misled into picking up arms against the State, howbeit, his successes are vast and unrivalled.

Fai Yengo in whose direction the sun is shining brightest this season is a brave man, full of compassion and dedication. Even enemies of progress have been left dumfounded at the achievements of Fai Yengo at the NDDRC because he is a patriarch who builds and works in silence. 

For others, he has demonstrated that no one is better placed to handle issues within the country than Cameroonians themselves. He is wise and peaceful in all he does because of his humility and obedience to God.

The volume of positive vibration Fai Yengo has radiated into the hearts of once resentful and violent-prune young Cameroonians many are now saying, will be difficult to imitate for decades to come.

The admired harmony and order in the national disarmament drive, it is now being said, is because of the beauty of Fai Yengo’s character is built on righteousness.

He is succeeding outstandingly in not only silencing guns but getting former Boko Haram and separatist associates back to real life because he is a man that is at peace with himself. 

The Fai Yengo effect in dousing tensions, reviving communities in the English-speaking and Far North Regions, many are saying and rightly so, cannot be denied.

It is in the affirmation of such undeniable achievements that, the veritable nation builder, supporter of the Head of State and serviceable hero that Fai Yengo is, that, the stars are singing for him.

This native of Oku, Bui Division of the North West Region was trained at the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM. Fai Yengo left ENAM in 1980, and 44 years down the road, he has served without reserve across Cameroon. 

He first served as Chief of Service in charge of Prisons Administration in the then Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation. He was then posted to serve as the first assistant Prefect for Momo Division in Mbengwi. His workaholic nature saw him promoted to the post of Secretary General at the Governor’s office in the then Centre Province.

Fai Yengo would be sent back to the field wherein he excelled excellently serving as; Senior Divisional Officer, SDO, of Menchum Division in the North West Region; SDO for the Vina Division in the Adamawa Region; Governor of the then Adamawa Province and Governor of then North West Province.

His experience was needed at the central administration. This marked a break in his field career. Fai Yengo will later be appointed Technical Adviser No.1 to the then Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisation.

He was again promoted to the post of Director of Territorial Administration before being sent back to the field in 2003 as Governor of the Centre Region. 

Four years later, Biya handed Fai Yengo the task of serving as Governor of the Littoral Region. Till date, he is one of very few administrators who have manned at least four of Cameroon’s 10 regions. This alone, analysts are submitting, makes Fai Yengo an administrator of no mean repute.

In persons like your Personality of The Week, millions of compatriots are saying and positively so that the sky shall sparkle with diamonds for Cameroon, its citizens shall hear angels sing and the whole entity shall fine harmonious peace.



This story was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3326 of Friday December 20, 2024


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