Gov´t launches computerized system to handle pensions of State employees on secondment.

Family photo of participants

Government has launched a computerized system to manage pension deductions effected on salaries of civil servants on secondment who are due retirement. 

The system, codenamed ANGIFODE, is meant to reduce obstacles in the payment of pensions and gratuities to workers on secondment who are due retirement. 

It was launched in Yaounde Thursday during a workshop the Ministry of Finance, MINFI, organised to acquaint collaborators with the new system. 

It held under the theme: “Seminar for the official presentation of the procedures manual for the remittance of pension contributions for seconded state employees”.

The Director of Personnel and Pensions Expenditure in the Directorate General of the Budget in the Ministry of Finance, Simo Kengye Robert, outlined the challenges government has been facing due to clumsy pension deductions and payments system that has existed over the years.

He expressed dismay that over the last 15 years, the clumsiness of the old method has led to a cumulated loss in revenues deducted from these workers to over 10 billion FCFA.

Kengye said the loss put the State in difficult of look for money elsewhere to pay pensions and gratuities to officers on secondment who are due or are already on retirement. 


ANGIFODE Computerized System

The ANGIFODE system that has gone operational, Kengye said, will correct many of the observed errors of the past. 

He said the new system will also avoid the problem where workers´ pensions are actually deducted but the funds are paid, not into the public treasury, but to the National Social Insurance Fund, NSIF, as well as cases where officers actually carry out deductions but fail to pay such monies anywhere. 

He described ANGIFODE as a manual containing digitalized procedures that government has come up with to ease the management of pensions deductions of officers on secondment.

He said ANGIFODE is a multi-platform computer application developed and administered 100% by experts working in the Ministry of Finance.

He assured that the instrument will effectively work to remove all obstacles that hitherto made the compilation and processing of retirement benefits for workers on secondment very difficult.

Kengye expressed confidence that the system will effectively dematerialize the documentation of financial contribution of this category of workers, and ease how to get details about how much they contributed during service.

He said it will make revenues deducted for their retirement purposes more secure and effectively streamline all pension expenditures as they relate to workers on secondment. 

It targets 187 public and para-public establishments as well as some 2,412 detached public agencies, and 191 registered users of designated and specialized public services.

Kengye disclosed that as at end of the 2023 fiscal year, these institutions effected a total of 863,561,673 FCFA, which was paid into government coffers.

He regretted that the amount still fell short of what government expected from them as deductions in pensions payable to the State on behalf of staff on secondment.

The MINFI official called on staff on secondment to regularly check the level of payments of their financial deductions that have been remitted to the state treasury as a measure to make sure they will not face difficulties when the time comes for them to compile their pension documents to start receiving their end of service benefits when they proceed on retirement.

Kengye called on representatives of target establishments to make sure ANGIFODE is installed in their offices and kept functioning effectively, so that the objectives of the innovation would be achieved.


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3319 of Friday December 13, 2024


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