Personality of The Week: Dr Enow Abrams Egbe: ELECAM Electoral Board Chairman.

Most appointees of the Head of State, President Paul Biya, have failed in their assignment because they often spend time deifying him, instead of serving Cameroonians.

It is a social cancer that is sweeping across even delicate entities upon which issues about polishing the polity to face the future are supposed to be handled.

One of such institutions is that charged with managing elections, Elections Cameroon, ELECAM. The Chairperson of its Electoral Board, Dr Enow Abrams Egbe, has had a taste of the plethora of criticisms poured on the institution.

Yet, he has remained steadfast, silent and working. One of such fruitful moves is the staging of the second edition of the National Platform for Permanent Consultation with electoral stakeholders. 

This week, he rallied stakeholders to work on improving the electoral process, with emphasis on dialogue. It is a meeting with bearing on a heated elections calendar that will begin playing out come 2025. 

Though a silent character, Dr Enow Abrams Egbe, caught the attention of readers of The Guardian Post, the compass of best journalistic practices in the Economic Community of Central African States, ECCAS. 

Millions of our readers across the world say they find in the meeting he chaired this week, an uncommon resolve to appease the electoral climate in the country and brighten the outlook of its democratic process. 

Harping on the impact of the work ELECAM does to the functioning of every other aspect of national life, our readers have positioned Dr Enow Abrams Egbe as Cameroon’s undisputed personality of this week. 

They have put the meeting he organised this week as a defining activity that made him the most productive character of this season.

Our readers say Dr Enow Abrahams Egbe is using knowledge, wisdom and temperance to engage every sector of society, to further enhance and entrench the beauty of democracy in Cameroon. 

He knows leadership is stronger and more meaningful, when everyone has a sense of belonging. He is the lead actor giving Cameroonians a new orientation to democracy, even in the face of challenges.

Through such openness, readers are congratulating him for giving every stakeholder in the electoral wheel the chance to bear its share of responsibility in the nation’s democratic move. 

He becomes the star of this week for using the powers bestowed on him to set a fresh tone to shaping the basis of democracy upon which decisions affecting the daily lives of citizens are made.

Your Personality of The Week is a strong and self-reliant patriot who is harnessing the variety in concept and views across the democratic chessboard to minimise tensions and increase public trust in ELECAM.

In the frame of Dr Enow Abrams Egbe, citizens say they find in him a man with an open heart and an experienced brain, functioning at a unique level to regulate the velocity of Cameroon’s democratic process. 

Many have qualified him as being an excellent achiever who has thawed the repeated outbursts within some political circles, to make every stakeholder know that it is all about building Cameroon and not self-interest.

He fits in the spectrum of a sane voice, heralding a new era in politicking, with the moral certainty that peaceful, free and fair elections are possible in Cameroon. 

Dr Enow Abrams has transcended levels of service, making unforgettable impact as an administrator of class, to using his current position to serve as an admirable pillar in Cameroon’s electoral process.

Your Personality of The Week is a servant who seeks the interest of all parties in the electoral process. He doesn’t subscribe to pressure but measures up to the demand of making the outcome of every election a representative of the people’s wish. 

Dr Enow Abrams is also rated in gold for demystifying the workings of ELECAM, taking its activities closer to stakeholders and the people.

Beyond the craving for victory by some, he is getting extra approval and commendation from our readers for prioritising the need to enfranchise, educate and make people resourceful enough to be part of the electoral process.

Others say he possesses the charisma needed to level the political field, kill voter apathy and cause citizens to care about the electoral process. There are those who are celebrating him as the man with the stamina and determination to make democracy work.

His power of togetherness, patience to listen to complaints and ability to open the entire process for stakeholders to make inputs, many are saying, and rightly so, have lifted him to the rank of a democratic reformer and lover of truth. 

Even as change is constant in nature, Dr Enow Abrams is the man bringing real and enduring change at ELECAM. 

Some say even if it is one step at a time, he must be saluted for his boldness and extraordinary show of independence to listen to every stakeholder.

For reiterating the place of dialogue in the face of diverse political views and opinions, Dr Enow Abrams Egbe, it is now being said, is not only a pristine leader but a distinguished Statesman who knows the importance of peace. 

Others are seeing him and clearly so, as a major force working to give an exciting flare to politics in Cameroon. 

Dr Enow Abrams Egbe is the hero valiantly eroding the grotesque politics of animosity of yesteryears and giving stakeholders a fresh understanding that even outside politics, everyone needs the entity Cameroon to stay strong and united in its diversity.

He climbs to the podium this season for distinguishing himself in handling hurdles on the path of reforming Cameroon’s electoral process through innovation. 

The newness of ELECAM and its growing outreach to all sectors and people of national life, is also another aspect that has peaked respect for Dr Enow Abrams.

The willingness of your Personality of The Week to stay on the bold course of reforming the political landscape, admirers are repeatedly saying, is not only a never-seen but is inspiring. 

He has thus not just been singled out for celebration this season because he holds a high office. He merits the brightness of stars at the mention of his name as Personality of The Week for standing for something special and dear to every Cameroonian.

In style and principle, Dr Enow Abrams Ege, millions of our readers say, is a paragon. His unique ability to mold consensus among political actors ahead of future elections, many others are stating, makes him a unique leader and builder. He is a man whose image plays imposingly to the full glare of the nation through unchallenged works and not noise.

Whether the views of different actors, especially political are bought by citizens through the ballot box or not, Dr Enow Abrams, analysts are saying, has made the work simple, by giving everyone the needed space to be active in the process. 

For such pursuance of justice and equality among political actors, he has been marshaled to the hall of fame of an unrivaled productive character.

Even in the face of criticisms, Dr Enow Abram’s doggedness to keep improving the electoral process shows he is a true patriot, champion and a man of timbre and character.

Aside the knowledge that perfection is not of this world, his constant engagement with actors in the electoral process has been likened to the search for agreeable standards in elections that will move the nation forward.

There is another group of admirers who see in Dr Enow Abrams unequaled courage to continue doing the right thing against all odds.  This, they say, shows he is a rare breed always ready for responsibility.

He is seated at the apex when unifiers are lined up. Dr Enow’s penetrating force and charisma to get stakeholders on the same table, some are saying, tells the story of him having the not just enormous wisdom but also a unique grace from his Creator. 

Your Personality of The Week functions and addresses electoral issues with the mind of a just King. He is not a pleaser of men but a respecter of laws and rules in force. He has the tolerance and gentleness required for the delicate job that ELECAM does in powering Cameroon’s democracy.

The native of Kepelle village, Upper Bayang Subdivision, Manyu Division of the South West Region, is among the rare breed of public servants Cameroon has known since independence. 

Dr Enow Abrams Egbe was born on December 30, 1961. He is married and a father of five kids. With education acquired at the University of Buea and the then University of Yaounde, Dr Enow Abrams Egbe equally studied at the National School of Administration and Magistracy, ENAM.

He graduated from ENAM in 1987, as the second best of his batch, debuting in his public service career and inspiring many in the process.

The graceful and gleeful assessment of his work at ELECAM this season on the strength of our readers is not new, those who know him are saying. 

He is a man groomed through hard work. His is a story that started at the office of the Governor of the then North West Province, where he first served as Legal and Financial Affairs Advisor from 1991 to 1993.

He was later promoted to serve as Divisional Officer, DO, of Misaje, Donga Mantung Division of the North West Region, between 1993 and 1995. Dr Enow Abrams Egbe later served as Senior Divisional Officer, SDO, of Menchum Division from 2000 to 2003.

Your Personality of The Week later enjoyed the confidence of the Head of State and was named Governor of the South Region. He worked there from 2003 to 2005 and later Governor of the Adamawa Region.

At the level of the central service of the then Ministry of Territorial Administration and Decentralisaton, MINATD, he equally occupied different positions. 

Among them was that of Inspector General in charge of Territorial Administration and President of the Anti-corruption unit of the same ministry.

After a brilliant and stainless career, hitting the rank of Civil Administrator of Exceptional Class, another moment for higher calling came for Dr Enow Abrams Egbe in April 2017. Then, the Head of State appointed him Chairman of the Electoral Board of ELECAM. 

The affirmation of our readers across the globe this season for his work and leadership style, it is being said, restates the view of millions that Dr Enow Abrams Egbe is an uncommon nation builder of impeccable integrity. 


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3305 of Friday November 29, 2024

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