Afungfege Evita using comic book to champion pangolin conservation.

Kids during training

Cameroon is host to three species of pangolin white-bellied, black-bellied and giant. Recently, several reports have warned that the rapid loss of pangolins could have drastic ecological and economical effects on local communities.

Under Cameroon law, it is illegal to capture, kill, keep or trade pangolins, as all three species existing in the country have been given the strongest Category A protection for endangered species.

A new Forestry and Wildlife law passed by Parliament and signed by President Paul Biya in July has sharply increased the penalties for capturing or killing protected species, leading to imprisonment of 15 to 20 years, or fines ranging from 20 million FCFA to 50 million FCFA.

It is for these reasons and more, that Afungfege Evita, Project Lead of the Pangolin Comic Kids project through Ivory Pictures, an entertainment company that specialises in developing authentic African stories, decided to engage in the project.

The Pangolin Comic Kids project is co-produced by Akumbo Jones with illustrations from Mengnjo Mark Kernyuy. The project through a comic book, seeks to address the rampant poaching activities in and around the Campo Ma'an forest in the South Region.

In July 2024, over 25 kids of age 17 and below were trained on paper sketching skills, storytelling and knowledge on pangolin conservation. Inhabitants of the area were also sensitised on forestry and wildlife laws.

According to the project Lead, Afungfege Evita, this will help to illustrate a comic book story to inspire indigenous kids, which will indirectly influence their parents to stop the purchase and consumption of pangolin ‘bushmeat’. 

This will lead to a drop in the purchase of pangolin 'bushmeat' and eventually affect poachers, since there will be no buyers.

Afungfege Evita: Project Lead of the Pangolin Comic Kids



Why focus on kids

Afungfege and her team are changing the narrative and doing something different away from just giving assistance and training workshops. Their target is the next generation.

“We’re looking at the next generation and our focus is the kids. The kids need to understand what these animals are, and why they are endangered. A lot of people have been championing the conservation of pangolins for years, but we are looking at the next generation. Our target is the kids of the poachers and those who buy bushmeat. We believe that if there's no demand, there will definitely be no supply and the sale of pangolin meat will eventually go out of business,” Afungfege told The Guardian Post.

After the training which took place in July 2024, the Project Lead and other members of her team are now focused on producing 300 copies of the comic book. 

Afungfege Evita revealed that copies of the book will be distributed to 300 kids in the South West Region for them to study, as they grow up with the knowledge to protect and conserve pangolins.

“Imagine telling a 5-year-old about an animal that is going extinct, and you have to go through a book, he/she is going to understand it better,” Afungfege added.

Copies of the comic book would also be distributed around bus stations where poachers usually sell 'bushmeat' and where travelers usually sit and wait for vehicles. 

The Project Lead has also outlined other measures put in place including painting of anti-pangolin poaching and purchase illustrations at bus stations for the public.

Away from the comic book illustration, Afungfege Evita has also revealed that they are working on an animation film, which will act as a booster and throw more light to simplify the understanding of the project.

The Pangolin Comic Kids project is funded by The Pollination Project, Bosch Alumni Network and Idea Wild. Afungfege Evita through Ivory Pictures company has spearheaded the production of films and documentaries for several years in Cameroon. 

She holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Communication and Development Studies from the University of Bamenda and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Creative Studies and Arts Organisations under the Commonwealth scholarship in London.


This article was first published in The Guardian Post Edition No:3267 of Tuesday October 22, 2024


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