Personality of The Week: Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams: CONAC Chairman.

One of the cancers that have silently eaten deep into the Cameroonian society, albeit camouflaged, is the existence of corrupt networks that have transformed schools into centres to milk parents. 

These networks are at best in motion again, silently milking billions through illegal fees squeezed from unsuspecting parents and learners to secure admission.

For one thing, the current Minister of Secondary Education, Prof Nalova Lyonga, has done outstandingly well in addressing most of these shortcomings, scoring high points in her own right in the process. Her reformist and transformational agenda have been paying off.

That notwithstanding, another area under her command that has gotten a fresh boost this season is that of the underground corrupt networks that virtually sell admission spots into public schools. 

It is common knowledge that parents are forced to pay as much as 100,000 FCFA plus a bench to secure admission for their kids in most government schools.

It is oftentimes a matter of do it or get lost from the presence of the people running these schools. People have been paying and dying in silence.

However, this week, the Chairman of the National Anti-corruption Commission, CONAC, Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams, came out bold on the phenomenon.

Rev Dr Massi Gams was in the town of Akonolinga, Nyong and Mfoumou Division of the Centre Region, on August 21, where he headlined a national campaign to end all corrupt practices associated with admissions into schools.

The campaign dubbed: “Corruption-free back-to-school” is what has energised discussions among Cameroonians at home and abroad. 

The bad experiences many have had with trying to secure admissions for their kids are what have earned CONAC and especially its inspiring   

Chairman, Rev Dr Massi Gams, golden mention this season. 

Most say, it is a silent form of national operation of the masses in most government schools that CONAC has come to fight, thereby giving hope for a new era. 

On this score, our readers have massively identified Rev Dr Massi Gams as Cameroon's undisputed Personality of This Week. They have rated him on an exceptional pedestal for having the gumption to burst the bubble on admissions corruption into public schools. 

Our readers say, Rev Dr Massi Gams knows if ethics are good at the top, they will be copied down the hierarchical chain of an organisation. 

He is living the best version of himself and inspiring others to live the best of themselves. 

As a man of integrity, he knows that the most powerful leadership tool is living by example.

Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams has been making the difference in fighting corruption in different sectors of national life. 

This season, he is standing on golden platforms for helping millions of parents and learners to break the silent web of corruption that is active most during admissions into especially public schools.

Many say and rightly so, that the CONAC boss deserves salutation of the highest order, for opting to end the impunity with which some administrators engage in corrupt practices in schools. 

He is getting popular applause for initiating Cameroonians into a culture of making the fight against corruption constant. 

For one thing, he is respected and revered in this drive, given his known integrity and transparency in fighting against the social ill.

Innovatively, rallying the population into the fight against corruption in the school milieu, our readers say, shows the CONAC Chairman knows the indifference of the population is a breeding ground for the vice. 

For taking on such an enormous and robust national campaign to roll back corruption in schools, Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams, is a national moral revivalist.

Rev Dr Dieudonné MASSI GAMS –

He understands like Pope Francis once said that “corruption is paid by the poor”. 

It is thus his drive to eradicate that chain of milking the underprivileged, especially parents in a difficult economic environment, that has seen unending praises for the CONAC boss.

At best, he is in an atmosphere of bliss for bringing to the consciousness of the population that it is possible to end a corrupt system. 

With access of authoritative information on corruption yet to fully reach the masses, the ongoing campaign by CONAC, our readers say and rightly so, brings a new dimension of community engagement in ending the siege on parents.

Your Personality of The Week, for many, is a superhero social worker who has put his life at the service of the people in an uncommon way. 

Rev Dr Massi Gams is bearer of hope and good news for the masses that schools must be free of corruption.

He is entering the annals of history this season as the man who chose integrity over fear and compromise to ensure admissions into schools nationwide are free of corrupt practices.

Your Personality of The Week’s endless determination to ensure the respect of the laws in force and integrity in the management of schools, especially admission, makes him a golden national watchman. 

He is the people’s battle axe in rolling back endemic corruption and redeeming the image of the country's school system.

Even though he is a man who has done great things, this week’s crusade against corruption in schools, others are saying, shows Rev Dr Massi Gams understands everyone can in their own corner make impact in the process with great love.

The ongoing campaign, it is also being said, raises Rev Dr Massi Gams to the honour of a selfless nation builder. 

This, they say, is because he is focused on the inherent dignity and worth of all Cameroonians in having access to certain basic services. 

He is the man remedying the poverty of morality and integrity that have shrouded school admission process in most schools. 

Your Personality of The Week abhors corruption in all its forms but is extremely concerned with its presence in the school milieu.

 His vociferous field actions, admirers say, is a reflection of his hatred for double-dealings and hypocrisy from those called to serve. 

He is sitting at the apex of ululation and acclamation for refusing to cede to the practice of corruption in schools.

As a servant of God, Rev Dr Massi Gams, many say, brings to the war against corruption love that is operating selflessly and sacrificially. 

He is not just a compassionate soul feeling for millions of people often exploited during this pre-school resumption period, Rev Dr Massi Gams is also an inspiring world changer of impeccable standing.

In tandem with the former United States President, Barack Obama, who once said, “we are the ones we have been waiting for. We are the change we seek”, your Personality of The Week is also being saluted for his consciousness and proactive flair in standing at the forefront of eroding corruption in schools.

Many are taking delight in the campaign he is marshalling. They say they are particularly touched and see meaning in the crusade given that Rev Dr Massi Gams has put wisdom to play by engaging all concerned stakeholders. 

He is also getting extra admiration for not being insultive but staying steady and engaging meaningful conversations to ensure kids gain admission into schools without paying for such.

Rev Dr Massi Gams is a generational transformer who knows that it is not only the beauty of school structures that should be of concern but the foundation of those who study in these institutions. 

This, readers of The Guardian Post say and rightly so, is because how kids get admitted into schools will shape their characters in future.

He is also standing on a golden platform this season, full of adoration and respect, for opting to engage in building something greater than himself in the interest of the nation. 

Rev Dr Massi Gams is pictured and perfectly so, as a fine moral compass using his position as CONAC Chairman, to remind everyone that pervasive actions such as corruption must be kept at bay from everything associated with education.

His crusade for  such moral decorum from a high moral ground is deemed fitting and corrosive enough to ensure admissions into  schools are done on the basis of merit and  laid out pedagogic guidelines and not some money-making indices.

Your Personality of The Week has been admired and praised severally as a cherub committed to the creating of a new Cameroon in his heart and working hard to make it real with his mind. 

Rev Dr Massi Gams is also held in high esteem for being a fearless being in the face of injustice. He has always raised his voice for honesty and truth. He hates injustice and greed, reason his commitment to rolling back corrupt practices has been unbending. 

As a genuine intellectual, a servant of God and leader of immense influence, Rev Dr Massi Gams, others are saying, has invited compatriots on a journey of rebuilding from the base. 

His crusade for a corruption-free back-to-school, others are saying, is ending tyranny, eroding ignorance among the population and ushering freedom for those seeking to give kids the best education and building a solid foundation for tomorrow’s Cameroon.

Rev Dr Massi Gams is a dispenser of virtues who is curious about the next big thing that would shine the image of Cameroon’s social fabric. 

He has remained a towering national asset and a decent go-getter who is not afraid to pitch ideas vital in the building of a sane society.

To note that Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams is a pastor of the Eglise Presbyterienne  du Cameroun, EPC, since 1979. 

He is also author of several publications. He was born on November 29, 1953, in Batouri, Kadey Division of the East Region.

He was appointed CONAC boss by the Head of State, Paul Biya, on July 14, 2011. 

After primary and secondary school, he discovered his calling as a servant of God and was admitted into the Dager Bibia Protestant School of Theology in 1974. He further studied at the Faculty of Protestant Theology in Yaounde in 1985.

He later moved to the United States of America in 1991, for further studies. 

There, he obtained a Master’s Degree in Theology, from the Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. 

He enrolled for a Doctor of Philosophy, PhD, which he defended in 1995 in Theology from the Faculty of Theology at the Protestant University of Central Africa in Yaounde. 

Your Personality of The Week is a lecturer in several universities.

Before being appointed CONAC Chairman, he had served as Board Member of tlElections Cameroon, ELECAM; Moderator (1991) and Secretary General of Elgise Presbyterienne du Cameroun, EPC, from 2002 to 2010. 

He also served as President of the Alliance of Reformed Churches of Africa, from 2003 to 2004. He is married and father of six kids. 

Given his over a decade fight against corruption and other societal ills, Rev Dr Dieudonne Massi Gams is undisputedly considered a monumental national social reformist. 



This story was first published in The Guardian Post issue No:3207 of Friday August 23, 2025


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