Atim Evenye Niger-Thomas is Cameroon's Humanitarian Actor of The Year.

Atim Evenye Brandishes Award, Trophy

The Executive Director of the Authentique Memorial Foundation, AMEF, Atim Evenye Niger-Thomas, has been declared the 2024 Cameroonian Humanitarian Actor of The Year.

She was recognised during an award night organised the Cameroon English Language Newspaper Publishers Association, CENPA. The ceremony took place at the Yaounde Hilton Hotel on July 24. 

The event brought together government ministers, head of state institutions, members of the diplomatic corps, economic operators, religious and traditional leaders, civil social actors, journalists, among others.

Atim was recognised for her passion and selfless efforts to the deprived and underprivileged, especially during the crisis rocking the two English-speaking Regions.

AMEF has also been very supportive in the basic education sector and sending kids back to school and improving on Water, Sanitation and Hygiene, WASH.

In a quick reaction after the award, Atim Evenye said: "I am truly honoured and humbled to be receiving this award today as the Executive Director of the Authentique Memorial Empowerment Foundation (AMEF)”. 

Laureate with CENPA president, SG and event host 



She expressed her sincere gratitude to the Cameroon English Language Newspapers Publishers Association, CENPA, for this recognition.

"It is a privilege to be standing here among so many distinguished state personalities and individuals who have also made significant contributions in their respective fields, serving their community," Atim said.

Speaking further, Atim Evenye Niger-Thomas said receiving the award serves as a reminder of the importance of humanitarian service and ensuring the dignity of those in very hard to reach areas are safeguarded.

"It motivates me to continue pushing boundaries, nationally and internally striving for peace, especially in the North West and South West regions and making a positive impact in my community and the nation as a whole," she told the press.

She dedicated the award to the president and founder of AMEF in the person of Dr. Mrs Maragret Niger-Thomas, as her guidance and support have been invaluable on this journey. She was also grateful to her husband, Dr. Zama Tabi, and kids for their love and support.

Atim didn't forget all the staff of AMEF both old and current who have worked tirelessly alongside her, without whom, she says, this achievement would not have been possible.



This story was first published in The Guardian Post issue No:3185 of Wednesday July 31, 2024


about author About author : Dewah Fabrice Teh

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