Bilingualism commission promoting peace, living together at SAGO.

PM’s envoy, Minister Rene Sadi signing visitor’s book at NCPBM stand

The National Commission for the Promotion of Bilingualism and Multiculturalism, NCPBM, is making a strong showing at the Fair on Government Action known by its French acronym, SAGO, ongoing in Yaounde.

As the fair opened Monday, officials of NCPBM were attending to curious citizens who kept trooping to their stand.  

This was before and after the Minister of Communication, Rene Emmanuel Sadi, on behalf of the Prime Minister, Head of Government, Chief Dr Joseph Dion Ngute, launched the fair, which is in its 13th edition. 

Minister Rene Sadi later visited the NCPBM stand after officially opening the fair. He saluted the work of the commission before later signing the visitors’ book.

The exercise that will last one week is taking place under the theme: “Governance and improving the living conditions of citizens”. 

The NCPDM team at the fair is benefitting assistance from the Secretary General of the Commission, Dr Chi Asafor Cornelius and two commission members viz; Jean Marc Afesi Mbafor and Ngambo Fondjo Pierre Vincent.

Afesi Mbafor told reporters that besides getting as many Cameroonians as possible to know what the NCPDM has been doing since its creation, “SAGO is an opportunity for us to communicate more on what the commission is doing”.

The NCPBM member also added that SAGO also provides a unique window to “…also get the feedback on what people don’t understand. So, SAGO gives us the opportunity to communicate more and interact directly with the people about what we are doing for them and what we are doing with the government in line with the missions assigned to us by the Head of State. It is an opportunity for us to be here”. 

He also underscored the need to intensify the war against hate speech and xenophobia.

Staff explaining NCPBM strides to PM’S envoy in company of commission members



For Ngambo Fondjo, within the context of promoting peace, and living together as a consultative body, the NCPBM is also using SAGO to send across “…a fundamental message of good governance at the service of living together”.

Ngambo argued that it is “incumbent on us to reiterate the quintessential of good governance, living together and show the place of togetherness and mediation at the service of the population to preserve national cohesion, national unity and social peace”.

A senior staff at the NCPBM, Miranda Agbor, told The Guardian Post that the assignment from hierarchy to entrench a message of peace is their anchor at SAGO. 

Agbor explained that those who visited the Bilingualism Commission stand and others expected across the week of the fair, will have their concerns addressed.

Agbor averred that vitals such as how people can access NCPDM on and offline for their concerns to be addressed, also form part of the interaction between staff and members of the commission, with the public.

 The Head of the Division, Promotion of Multiculturalism and Living Together at NCPBM, Limene Emmanuel Molonge, reiterated that during the gathering, the commission intends to reach out to as many people as possible. 



This story was first published in The Guardian Post issue No:3177 of Tuesday July 23, 2024



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