North West: Organisation engages stakeholders, CSOs to combat water crisis.

Authorities & participants in group photo

A Non-Governmental Organisation, Dynamique Citoyenne, is working with Civil Society Organisations, CSOs, and the population of the North West Region and other stakeholders to push for sustainable potable water. 

Dynamique Citoyenne which works on water and road projects in Cameroon organised an advocacy meeting in Bamenda on July 3. Discussions focused on the results of a study on the situation of potable water in some 10 municipalities in the Region.

According to the results of the study, presented by Mbafor Christopher who works with an environmental organisation, it emerged that public sources of water constitute just 7.9%, with majority unfunctional in the communities. 

On the other hand, private sources of water constitute 91.1% in the communities.

The study which was carried out in Bamenda I, II, II, Santa, Bali, Tubah, Bafut, Babessi, Wum and Mbengwi council areas, equally shows that local wells and individual boreholes constitute the highest percentage of water sources in the communities.

It also furthers that there are some public water sources on paper as per the Public Investment Budget, but are not existing on the ground.

Discussions and recommendations were made, demanding that in order to resolve the issue of water scarcity in the region, the population must come together and collaborate with stakeholders.

Also, rehabilitation of non-functional boreholes, the need to build and strengthen the capacity of water sources and training were also listed amongst other requests.