At 32nd congress: Gynecologists, obstetricians discuss role of traditional midwives.

Medical practitioners at the congress hall

Gynecologists and Obstetricians have discussed the role of traditional midwives in assisting pregnant women during childbirth. 

This was in Yaounde April 10 during the 32nd Congress of the Society of Gynecologists and Obstetricians of Cameroon, SOGOC.

Traditional midwives were recognised for their role in assisting pregnant women during childbirth, particularly in rural areas where access to healthcare facilities and skilled healthcare providers is limited. 

However, the limitations of traditional midwives were also highlighted, especially when complications arise, often leading to the death of patients.

Prof Perrin René Xavier, a gynecologist from Benin, who chaired the Congress, emphasised the need for greater training and better working conditions for professionals in the field. 

He pointed out that the limitations of traditional midwives often arise from their lack of formal training and education in modern obstetric and gynecological practices.

The gynecologists at the congress emphasised the importance of involving everyone in addressing maternal mortality, which is often caused by three delays. The first delay is the time it takes for a woman to recognise the need for skilled birth attendance. 

The second delay is the time it takes to reach a healthcare facility, and the third delay is the time it takes for the healthcare provider to make a decision and provide adequate care.

The second Vice President of SOGOC, Dr Eko Filbert, stated the importance of addressing these delays to reduce maternal mortality rates. 

He advocated better training and working conditions for healthcare providers to ensure that they are equipped to handle complications during childbirth and provide the necessary care to save lives.

The discussions at the congress brought to the fore the importance of addressing maternal mortality and the need for a collaborative effort from all stakeholders, including traditional midwives, healthcare professionals, and policymakers. 

The participants said traditional midwives have a crucial role to play in ensuring that women have access to quality healthcare during pregnancy and childbirth, thus the need for greater investment in training and education for traditional midwives, as well as better working conditions for healthcare professionals. 

This, they stated, will ensure that healthcare providers are equipped to handle complications during childbirth and provide the necessary care to save lives.

about author About author : Fru William

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