Tombel Subdivision: Etam I Chief makes distress call as torrential rain causes havoc in community.

Some of houses destroyed in Etam I village

The traditional ruler of Etam I village in Tombel Subdivision, Kupe-Muaneguba Division of the South West Region, HRM Alobwede Christopher Kome, has appealed for assistance from sons and daughters of the village and other people of goodwill across the national territory to help families rendered homeless as a result of torrential rains.

The appeal comes after torrential rains destroyed the roofs of over 150 houses in the community on the night of Wednesday March 27 breaking Thursday March 28.  

Going by Chief Alobwede Kome, the heavy rains which came without any signal, lasted hours and was accompanied with thunderstorms and strong winds.

The violent winds, he added, removed the roofs of over 150 houses including a warehouse where products are being stored by traders during market days.

The traditional ruler said most of the affected families are now seeking refuge in Churches and other family acquittances. The situation, he regretted, is causing huge financial burden on the host families.

Etam I village that is now enjoying a graded portion of Kumba-Tombel road, it should be said, is also largely peaceful within the context on the ongoing crisis in the two English-speaking regions. 

The village, according to the traditional ruler, is a perfect example of living together policy preached by the Head of State, President Paul Biya. Etam I village, the Chief revealed, is host to people from all walks of life including foreigners from Neighbouring Nigerian who are peacefully cohabiting with the indigenes and going about their activities normally. 

The peace and normalcy reigning in the village, Chief Alobwede Kome disclosed, is thanks to collective efforts with his subjects to shun violence.

He also attributed the peace reigning in the village to efforts by soldiers of the small detachment of the 23rd motorized infantry brigade stationed in the village. 

HRM Alobwede Christopher Kome: Chief of Etam I village 



The soldiers, he said, have fished out few gun-carrying youth who were committing atrocities in the village under the Ambazonia separatist movement. 

Chief Alobwede Kome reassured all those wishing to lend a helping hand to homeless families to be confident that the village is safe and secured. 

Reacting to the said incident in Tombel, the Divisional Officer, DO, of Tombel Subdivision, Nyam Leonard, said he has taken note and informed hierarchy about the situation in Etam I village. 

The administrator sounded optimistic that a solution to the plight of the affected population will be sought soonest. 

While consoling the victims of the incident, the DO called on them to be vigilant and pay attention to the metrological announcements on weather forecast before going about their normal activities.



about author About author : Njingang Godwin

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