Ecobank Day 2020: Working together for better health.

On the occasion of the Ecobank Day 2020, Ecobank in partnership with the Alliance on NCDs is committed to raising awareness on the magnitude, impact and urgency of Non-Communicable Diseases, or NCDs for short, to highlighting and supporting the crucial role that the government, civil society organisations and community initiatives play in the fight against NCDs in Africa.

In continuation of last year's Ecobank day during which Ecobank took measures to support cancer prevention, this year, Ecobank has chosen diabetes; a silent disease that claims many victims both in Cameroon and Africa as a whole. For Ecobank Day 2020 activities, Ecobank Cameroon has chosen to focus on a diabetes sensitization campaign, carry out a free screening campaign, and finally give donations to health facilities.

In this regard, four cities have been chosen by the bank to enable more people to benefit from this free sensitization and screening campaign. The choice of these cities is explained by the fact that Ecobank Cameroon thought it was wise that this campaign not be limited to the populations of large metropolises such as Douala and Yaounde, but extended to other cities such as Buea and Bafoussam. The screening points were in Ecobank branches in Douala - Mboppi, Douala - Nkoulouloun, Yaound

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