Business dev’t expert, Adamou Petouonchi, highlights importance of impact leadership.

Renowned business development expert, Adamou Petouonchi, has highlighted the importance of impact leadership, covering all segments of life in society. 

For the expert in Communication, Marketing, Business Development & Senior Public Relations personnel, God raises pure and sincere hearts.

The expert argues that human relationships are forged, built, developed and maintained for eternity through sincerity. 

He has said providence brings people together, while intuition and trust build relationships. 

“We must never believe we are stronger, smarter or sharper than others. The strongest are never strong enough to remain so forever. We are rich in the people around us. If we want to be honoured, let's honour those around us,” he stated.

Adamou is of the opinion that true leadership is forged in a spirit of service, sincerity, posterity and humanity. 

“Let's know how to value the souls who stand in our way. Fate always reshuffles its cards when we least expect. The multiplier effect of happiness is found in selfless and benevolent sharing,” Adamou advises.

For him: “Nature, for its part, amplifies the retroactive effects on any bearer or facilitator of a good deed. Our world is perishing from egocentricity, parasitism and the griotism of opinionated and pseudo-omniscient advisors, who, for the glory of the leader and their appetite for exclusivity, crush everything in their path and set themselves up as a direct channel of access to the prince”. 

He admonished that: “Let's build bridges, instead of walls. Let's give voice and space to those under our authority. Let's take interest in those who stand in our way. Let's establish, in all circumstances, a bond of trust that instills commitment and dedication, loyalty and complicity; all in the quest for inclusive social progress”.

To the expert, the merit of such an approach, “lies in our detachment from materialistic, power-driven appetites and in the creation of an intergenerational chain of trust that values the memories of our elders and predecessors, in recognition of their contribution, whatever their role. This chain of trust extends and also serves as a lever of hope for young people in their desire for the future”.

“That's why, in our own lives, we need to be models, inspiring examples of leadership to impact our environment, whatever the scale and scope of our exercise, so that everyone on our path remembers having been in contact with a great man endowed with a beautiful soul, accompanied by an inexhaustible will to make the best of things, not for his own glory, but for the benefit of all, without awarding himself the meritocratic points alone,” he adds.

“The spurs of power share the light to illuminate more than one room. Let's be benevolent and pleasant, warm and respectful, humble and modest, balanced and moderate, generous and altruistic, inspiring and consistent,” he also notes.

about author About author : Mua Patrick

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